Quick Reference Guide
Assessment feedback is available within 48 hours of a completed assessment.
- Log in to InCAS+.
- Select ‘Results/Analysis’ from the grey banner at the top of the screen, and then select the report you want to view.
Standard Feedback - provides all uploaded results for all pupils within a table format. The tables will be ordered by Year Group, then by Class, and then by Pupils listed in alphabetical order.
Custom Feedback – allows you to create a variety of charts and tables from student to school level.
Age Comparison Charts - available for all units and modules (excluding Attitudes) and show how a Class or Year group is performing using box and whisker plots. These charts help to identify areas of strength and potential areas for improvement.
Age Standardised Scores - These tables can be downloaded for each Year group and are available for Reading, General Maths, Mental Arithmetic and Developed Ability assessments.
The Standardised scores have a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15, this means that 84% of all pupils will have a score of 85 or more. 16% will have a score of 115 or above. 16% will have a score of 85 or below. Pupils with scores below 70 or above 130 are exceptional.
SATs Predictors - Chances tables show the chance of gaining each Key Stage level in the next statutory assessment. The chances are calculated separately for each child using their InCAS scores as a predictor.
Pupil Progress Chart - only available for the statutory assessments (Reading and General Maths) and contain both table and chart information for a pupil.
Some teachers/schools may find this useful for presenting to parents at the parent meeting.
Schools can choose to include current year outcomes only, or can include up to a maximum of four years of Available Outcomes within the Progress Chart.
Download Results Spreadsheet - Use this option to download your data as a spreadsheet or comma-separated file for further analysis.
Detailed Guides and Supporting Information
Standard Feedback -detailed guide
Pupil Progress/Longitude Charts -detailed guide
Age Comparison Reports - detailed guide
Age Standardised Scores -detailed guide
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