InCAS is not a progress measure and the original score is usually the most accurate. There are limited circumstances under which we would advise a student doing a retake.
If a retake is the best course of action, there is no need to delete any previous assessments or create new passwords. The pupil can use the same password to redo the assessment. The result will overwrite the original assessment but please note the following:
General Maths modules feedback (Number 1, Number 2, Measures, Shape and Space, and Handling Data)
If the standard error is greater than 1 year, a score is not shown. In rare instances, a pupil might receive scores the first time they were assessed and then when re-assessed they receive asterisks, denoting high standard errors.
Mental Arithmetic
If a pupil is struggling with either subtraction, multiplication or division, the assessment stops. When the assessment stops, the missing modules are denoted by asterisks. If a pupil does quite well in his/her first assessment s/he will receive scores for the modules. If s/he does less well in the re-assessment and is not presented with a more difficult module (subtraction, multiplication or division), the scores from the first assessment are carried over and shown in the feedback.
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