InCAS is a computer adaptive assessment for students aged 5-11. It can help identify learners’ needs in key developmental areas and provides reporting that will inform and support teacher planning and target setting. The reports provide age-equivalent scores and diagnostic information.
Each student completes the assessment independently at a computer by following audio instructions, meaning the assessment can be carried out with multiple students at one time. Each module is taken separately so can be taken over a period of a few days or even a few weeks.
Questions typically start at an age equivalent level two years younger than the pupil is at the time
of taking the assessment. Questions progressively become more difficult until a few are answered
incorrectly. Questions then become slightly easier until they are being answered correctly once
For this reason, pupils can expect to find some questions too easy and some too difficult when
taking the assessment and not all will see the same questions.
Detailed Guides and Supporting Documents
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