You will need to return your results to us once you have completed the Non-Web version of the
assessments with your students.
1. Go to the files you extracted as part of your download to install the Non-Web version of the
assessment on your computer.
2. Click on the Saves Folder below.
3. You will see the files in the folder as follows:
4. Highlight the files by clicking on the first file at the top and then press Shift + down arrow (↓)
until all the files are highlighted like the ones below.
5. Hover over the selected files and right click the mouse. Choose Send to > Compressed (zipped) folder.
6. The file will be saved at the bottom. This is the file you will need to upload in PIPS+.
7. In PIPS+, use Return Data> Upload Results to return your ASPECTS results file.
8. Follow the instructions below to upload your ASPECTS results file.
9. You will receive a confirmation message below once you upload the file successfully.
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