Age equivalent scores
These scores show how students performed in the assessment compared to typical scores for students of a similar age. Scores are displayed as years:months, so an age equivalent score of 9:3 would indicate a score typical of a student aged 9 years and 3 months. The age difference column shows the difference in years and months between the students' chronological age when they took the assessment and their age equivalent score.
Age Standardised Scores
When age standardised scores are calculated, an adjustment is applied to allow a fair comparison between students, whatever their age and the time of year they took the Cambridge Primary Insight assessment. An average age standardised score is 100. About 68% of students will have a score between
The star icon indicates a standardised score higher than 115.
The alert icon indicates a standardised score less than 85.
Scores that are within these values are not highlighted.
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