We advise that you Upload Student Details Inc Subject Choices and Average (I)GCSE Point Scores to ensure student details are entered accurately and to enable students to simply select their name from a list at the start of the assessment. If it is too early for you to include average (I)GCSE scores and/or subject choices, you may upload a file including just the required fields before assessing and add any missing information later.
Required file format
The file containing your students’ details should have the following columns (*Indicates a required field. Other fields are optional before assessments take place and may be added later) but remember full predictive reports cannot be generated until the required baseline(s) and post-16 subject choices are present. Example files demonstrating the correct formats are available on the IMPORT CANDIDATE DETAILS page.
First 10 columns (only the first four columns are compulsory)
If you wish to include ethnic origin with your student details, please use the codes below:
If you would like to include a student ID in your spreadsheet, there are four student ID types which may be submitted but, initially, only one will be included in the Alis reports. The IDs will be selected in the order: MISID; ULN; UPN; UCI.
- UPN UPN (Unique Pupil Number) - Must be a valid UPN
- ULN ULN (Unique Learner Number)
- UCI UCI (Unique Candidate Identifier)
- MISID - (Management Information System Identifier) - Your internal reference for a studentÂ
Where subject choices are included in your file, the spreadsheet must conform to one of our accepted broadsheet formats with one row per student.
Option 1: Qualification and subject as inline text
Subject choices should be in the format Qualification;Subject (without spaces) for example A2;French.
Option 2: Qualification and subject as column header
You will need to save your student details as a CSV file.
PLEASE NOTE: Any of the symbols @ # % & + = ! may be used as dividers in place of ; but the symbol needs to be consistent within the file.
You should include the qualifications that your students will take in their final year. For A Levels, this will usually be A2. There is the opportunity to request AS Level predictions for all the A2 subjects included in your spreadsheet at the point of upload. You may also include AS qualifications if students are taking subjects for interest at AS Level. Simply replace A2 with AS i.e. AS;French.
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