After you have created your spreadsheet of student details, you need to upload it to the Assessment Centre.
Click on Assessment Admin on the Alis+ or CEM IBE+ website main toolbar.
You will now see the Computer Assessments menu page with links to guidance on each stage of the assessment process.
Click on 2: Upload Student Details Inc Subject Choices and Av (I)GCSE on the menu on the left and this will take you to our assessment centre.
We advise that you Upload Student Details Inc Subject Choices and Average (I)GCSE Point Scores to ensure student details are entered accurately and to enable students to simply select their name from a list at the start of the assessment. If it is too early for you to include average (I)GCSE scores and/or subject choices, you may upload a file including just the required fields before assessing and add any missing information later.
PLEASE NOTE: Full predictive reports cannot be generated until your students have at least one baseline (CABT or average (I)GCSE score) on their record and their subject choices have been uploaded.
Select the assessment year from the list and click OK.
Select IMPORT from the top menu.
You can now select the year group that you want to set up from the dropdown box and click OK.
This will open the Import Candidate Details page.
Select BROWSE to navigate to your file and identify the FILE FORMAT and DIVIDER used in the students’ subject choices, if they are present. Then indicate whether you require AS predictions for all the A2 subjects in your file. You can also download example files here.
Click Upload to upload the file to the Assessment Centre.
You will see a table with the column headers from your file and CEM column headers. Select the
descriptions which best match the content of your file using the dropdown lists in the right-hand
column. Columns left as IGNORE will not be loaded into our system. You will see more options to
match if you have included other non-required columns in your file.
PLEASE NOTE: It is important that your students’ average (I)GCSE scores are on the 0-9 grade scale
(Welsh schools should use only the 0-58 scale). BE CONSISTENT - ONLY ONE SCALE SHOULD BE USED.
A warning message should appear asking you to fix the error if you try to include both scales in your student upload. However, if the students are already in the system and any have had a value entered on the alternative grade scale, this could result in students having scores on both scales. Even if most of your students in a year group have scores on the 0-9 scale and only 1 student in the same cohort has a score on the 0-58 scale, this will prevent some of your predictive reports from generating and should be avoided.
Matching and Mapping Subjects
If you used Format 1: Qualification and subject name as header - you will see headers like these
to match.
If you used Format 2: Qualification name and subject name as inline text - you will see headers
like these to match
Once all relevant headers have been assigned click NEXT.
If you have included subject choices, you will then be asked to map qualification types in your file
with the recognized qualifications from CEM.
Once you have mapped your students’ qualifications click OK.
PLEASE NOTE: Please check that all your columns and qualifications/subjects are mapped correctly,
even those that have mapped automatically. Remember any value mapped to IGNORE will not be
loaded into our system
Any errors in your data will be flagged up at this point and you can EDIT or DELETE students’ details
before upload is completed. If there are no errors, a table will appear with all your students’ details
If any of your students appear to be already in our database, you will see a CANDIDATES
You must now select update or include against each student record.
Selecting UPDATE will allow you to add missing information to an existing record (needed when
adding information not included in your first upload e.g. average (I)GCSE scores and/or subject
Selecting INCLUDE will create an additional student record (use only if there is no existing student
Once this is done click FINISH to complete the upload.
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