Often teachers find Pupil Progress Charts useful for presenting to parents at parent meetings.
The chart gives a summary of the pupil’s scores in Reading and General Maths as well as plotting
longitudinal progress charts for these two subjects.
To access the chart follow the steps below:
1. On your InCAS+ account, select Results/Analysis > Custom Feedback
2. You will then have the a range of options to choose from. Select depending on the data you would like in the report.
You can choose to display only one year of feedback on a chart, or can include up to a maximum of
four years on the Progress Chart. The example below is the most recent 1. Assessment year (version), 2. Pupil (Level), 3. Class Name (Group) 4. Student name (Assessment/Pupil) 5. Longitude Chart (Chart/Table)
The black diamonds show the age equivalent scores and the lines above and below are the
confidence intervals.
The confidence intervals (vertical black lines) give an indication of the range in which a child might
score on a different day. These show the range of 1 standard error, within which we are 68% confident
the child’s true score lies. On a different day, a pupil might have had a slightly different pattern of
responses and therefore achieved a slightly higher or lower score. The length of the confidence intervals are determined by the consistency of the pupil’s answers and then number of questions they
have answered. A pupil who has been guessing at answers to questions will show longer confidence
intervals than a pupil who has consistently answered questions, where the intervals will be small. If
there is clear space between the end of the confidence intervals and the item being compared (e.g.
pupil age at test or another score) then the difference can be considered to be statistically significant.
The green line is indicative of the national average. Because the scores are age equivalent scores, it
is therefore the case that pupils aged 8 years would be expected to have an age equivalent score of 8
years and pupils aged 9 years would be expected to have an age equivalent score of 9 years, etc.
A red line on the chart displays the minimum or maximum score achievable for that assessment. For Maths the minimum score is 3 years 0 months and for Reading it is 4 years 0 months. For all
assessments the maximum score is 16 years 0 months.
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