To access your Standard Feedback reports, on your InCAS+ account select Results/Analysis > Standard feedback > Year of assessment > Display
Standard Feedback presents the feedback in the form of tables in a pdf document. The tables
appear in the order below:
• Achievement (Reading and General Maths)
• Reading Modules (Word Recognition, Word Decoding, Comprehension, Spelling)
• General Maths Modules (Number 1, Number 2, Measures, Shapes and Space, Data)
• Mental Arithmetic
• Mental Arithmetic Modules (Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division)
• Developed Ability
• Developed Ability Modules (Picture Vocabulary, Non Verbal)
• Attitudes (Reading, Maths, School)
Feedback is presented by class with all the tables for one class given before moving on to the next
An example of the Achievement table is below:
InCAS scores are presented as Age Equivalent Scores in years and months. e.g.
10:3 represents a score of 10 years and 3 months. If a pupil is performing as expected for
his/her age, their age equivalent score is the same as his/her chronological age.
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